The only reason many men stay in unhappy relationships with abusive women is out of love and concern for their children. I’ve lost count of how many of my coaching clients have said, “If it weren’t for the kids, I’d have left a long time ago.” Some men stay because they believe they’re protecting their […]
Parental Alienation: Navigating the Court System, Part 2
In Part 1, we considered a couple of scenarios in which parental alienation is likely to take place. Now we’ll consider some practical advice for presenting your case to the judge as well as information about how to prevent alienation and how to reverse indoctrination once it has begun to take hold. Countering Alienation Attempts […]
Parental Alienation: Navigating the Court System, Part 1
In Dr. T’s recent article about Parental Alienation, she notes that the behaviors of one parent teaching children to hate the other parent have not typically been recognized in courts as a legitimate diagnosis or syndrome. Indeed, much controversy swirls around the very mention of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Since no DSM criteria exists for […]