Calling all Shrink4Men community members! There is a young man in need of an intervention. Earlier this morning, a 24-year old man, “Eric,” left the following comment on the original Shrink4Men blog article, What Can I Do to Protect My Unborn Child from my BPD/NPD Ex-Girlfriend: I find myself in almost the exact same circumstances […]
BlogTalkRadio: Divorcing your Kids, Part Two
This is a BlogTalkRadio program that aired in May 2012. It discusses the hard realities of high-conflict divorce and custody cases and parallel parenting vs. co-parenting. It also discusses setting boundaries and expectations for minor children and adult children who are manifesting the effects of parental alienation. Insisting your children treat you with the love […]
A View from the Outside: How Healthy Loved Ones See your Abusive Relationship with a High-Conflict and/or Personality Disordered Partner
Here’s the latest from CrazyBuster, Micksbabe . . . If you’re in an abusive relationship with a high-conflict and/or personality disordered individual, you’re probably very aware of what your situation looks like from the inside — constant chaos, blame, fighting, projection, and gaslighting, possibly even shame. Have you ever wondered what your situation looks like […]