It should be obvious that entrusting your heart (and wallet) to a woman (or man) who gets paid to have sex and paid to fake love, affection, sexual attraction or orgasms is both unwise and a highly risky gamble, that is if you want a monogamous, stable relationship based on love and not a series of transactions. Given […]
In His Own Words: Restraining Order Abuse
It’s day 22 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month for men and boys, the invisible victims of domestic violence. Today’s In His Own Words shines a spotlight on what has become a national disgrace — restraining order abuse by women, lawyers, the courts and law enforcement. Anthony knows firsthand how the system works and took every […]
In His Own Words: ABR Saved My Kids and Saved Me
It’s day 18 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month for men and boys, the invisible victims of domestic violence. ABR (Always Be Recording) is advice every man or woman in an abusive relationship should follow — especially abused men! The family court system is extraordinarily biased in favor of women and female victims of violence enjoy special […]