If you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist, borderline, psychopath or histrionic, you probably understand why these personalities are also referred to as high-conflict people. It’s because they chronically manufacture an overwhelming amount of conflict, chaos and drama. Just when you catch your breath, they’re back at it. Provoking, projecting, gaslighting, tantrum-ing, exaggerating, pouting, […]
What a Narcissist Really Means When She or He Wants to Stay Friends or Hoovers You After Breaking Up
This applies to male narcissists, too, as well as Borderlines, Histrionics and Sociopaths of both genders. This is undoubtedly no surprise to many of you reading this. I just didn’t want anyone to feel excluded. You know how touchy they get about these kinds of things. Oftentimes at the end of a relationship with this kind of […]
Going Mental: How Do You Know When a Sociopath, Narcissist or Borderline Is Lying?
Their lips are moving. The End. That’s a facile and clichéd answer, but, more often than not, an accurate one. Sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, borderlines and histrionics lie for many reasons. Self-preservation (e.g., to avoid jail or other unwanted natural consequences for their bad behavior), to manipulate or exploit others to get money, sympathy, power, attention, security, a relationship […]