Has your wife or girlfriend ever threatened to call the police on you as a way to control or intimidate you? Has she ever smirked and said if you don’t do x, y, z that she’ll tell people you beat her and the kids or that you’ve molested the kids? Has she followed through on […]
How to Isolate your Boyfriend: Relationship Self-Help Reaches New Low on wikiHow
How to Isolate your Boyfriend is an actual how-to article on wikiHow, I kid you not. Follow the link if you don’t believe me. It’s located in wikiHow’s Relationships/Dating/Commitment Issues category. Although, it would be more appropriate in the Should be Committed to a Lockdown Psychiatric Facility or DIY Psycho categories, if such categories existed […]
Men Have Emotions, But Women Don’t Listen
“Men aren’t good at expressing emotions.” “Men only talk about sports.” “Men need to be more sensitive.” “Men are all jerks.” We’ve all heard these platitudes and they’re grade-A nonsense. There’s an ever rising population of aggro men in this country and women have no one to blame but themselves. Men are hurt, angry and […]