If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, borderline, psychopath or other toxic personality, you’ll eventually find your empathy well has run dry. That means it’s time for you to take care of you. In this video, I discuss the different stages to being drained of empathy. Hope you find it helpful! https://youtu.be/Eb1h9bvvJi4 Read the […]
Narcissist Fight Club Rule #4: Facts Are Meaningless
If you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist, borderline, psychopath or histrionic, you probably understand why these personalities are also referred to as high-conflict people. It’s because they chronically manufacture an overwhelming amount of conflict, chaos and drama. Just when you catch your breath, they’re back at it. Provoking, projecting, gaslighting, tantrum-ing, exaggerating, pouting, […]
Narcissist Fight Club Rule 3: The Fight Isn’t Over Until You Admit You’re Wrong
Being in a relationship with a narcissist, borderline, histrionic, psychopath or other personality disordered abuser can be a topsy turvy roller coaster ride. Mutual rules of decency, honesty, respect and reciprocity are, as far as the narcissist is concerned, optional. Or, to be more clear, optional for the narcissist. The narcissist’s or borderline’s spouse, partner, […]