A 12-year old-girl was arrested for attempted armed robbery in Highland Township, Michigan last week. Why would a 12-year old girl try to commit armed robbery? Drugs? No. Barbie dolls? No. A trip to Disney World? No. Allegedly, the pre-teen committed armed robbery after her mother lied to her and told her that her father […]
Cringeworthy Divorce Attorney Commercials
I’ve watched these commercials a few times now and I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. At first, I thought they were Saturday Night Live spoof commercials, but they’re real. By the way, the two gentlemen in these ads may be examples of what is referred to as negative advocates in high-conflict divorce cases. [youtube y1Qk6QPzuIc] [youtube […]
Scenes from an Abusive Marriage: Should You Post an Abusive Wife’s Behavior on YouTube?
There’s a topic thread being discussed on the Shrink4Men Forum this week about a series of videos posted on YouTube by a man who suspects his wife has Borderline Personality Disorder or some combination of Cluster B personality traits based on how he’s tagged the videos. There are 11 videos in all, which are disturbing […]