The Ultimate Relationship Deal-Breaker for Men: False Allegations and Threatening to Call the Police discussed why false allegations of abuse and threats to call the police by your wife or girlfriend are abusive, why some high-conflict and personality disordered women engage in these behaviors and why it should be a clear sign that you need […]
The Ultimate Relationship Deal-Breaker for Men: False Allegations and Threatening to Call the Police
Has your wife or girlfriend ever threatened to call the police on you as a way to control or intimidate you? Has she ever smirked and said if you don’t do x, y, z that she’ll tell people you beat her and the kids or that you’ve molested the kids? Has she followed through on […]
High-Conflict Phases of Abuse, Blame Shifting, Distortion, Rage and Manipulation Diagram
Although this post is published under my name (Dr Tara J. Palmatier) it was actually written by one of my clients who is also a doctor in another health field. A couple weeks ago, he sent a diagram (included below) he created to discuss during our upcoming session. I was blown away. The diagram captures […]