Female Stalkers, Part 1: What is Stalking and Can Men Be Stalked by Women? discusses statistics and research on stalking behaviors, which gender engages in stalking behaviors more, what constitutes stalking, who is more likely to stalk, and why it’s important for men to be able to identify stalking behaviors in women. This article provides […]
Female Stalkers, Part 1: What is Stalking and Can Men Be Stalked by Women?
Do you know what stalking is? Would it surprise you to know that many of your girlfriend’s, wife’s or ex’s “nuisance,” clingy, possessive, angry, threatening, internet search, social network, text/telephone/email and/or destructive behaviors qualify as stalking and harassment? Has your ex ever used family court, CPS, law enforcement, civil court and criminal court to stalk […]
Rudeness, Stress and Abuse are Neurotoxins: Children Who Witness Spousal Abuse Are at Risk
The only reason many men stay in unhappy relationships with abusive women is out of love and concern for their children. I’ve lost count of how many of my coaching clients have said, “If it weren’t for the kids, I’d have left a long time ago.” Some men stay because they believe they’re protecting their […]