This is an embed of a BlogTalkRadio program in which I participated in 2012. It discusses the concept of the Golden Uterus other. Golden Uterus is an admittedly snarky term to describe personality disordered women for whom the biological act of giving birth to a child fuels and feeds their pre-existing narcissism. In other words, […]
What I Wish I Knew Before Marrying a Man with a Crazy Ex-Wife
The following article is by Micksbabe, whose name you may recognize from comments here and the Shrink4Men Facebook page. It seems that most men and women who come to Shrink4Men are in the throes of leaving (or contemplating leaving) an abusive woman. I have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with this situation from a […]
To the Victim Go the Spoils: False Allegations, Men as Default Scapegoats and Why Some Women Get Away with Murder
Look at that poor woman crying! I wonder what he did to her? Pretend the image on the left is a Thematic Apperception Test card and make up a story about it. Is the woman crying because she discovered her boyfriend had been cheating on her, dumped her and emptied their joint account to go […]