Calling all Shrink4Men community members! There is a young man in need of an intervention. Earlier this morning, a 24-year old man, “Eric,” left the following comment on the original Shrink4Men blog article, What Can I Do to Protect My Unborn Child from my BPD/NPD Ex-Girlfriend: I find myself in almost the exact same circumstances […]
Paternity Fraud: What Would You Do?
How would you feel if you were required to pay $1000/month for 18 years for the care and feeding of a child of whom you are not the parent? How would you feel handing over that money at the expense of your own family, your own needs and well-being, your education aspirations, and your career […]
Marriage and Divorce: A Rigged Game for Men, But Also Ultimately Bad for Women and Children
If you’re a man considering marriage, there are some statistics you should know before you go ring shopping. Today, more than 50% of marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. What many people don’t know is that women initiate approximately 70% of all divorces. Interesting, since men as a gender are the ones who are […]