The following article is written by another CrazyBuster veteran: LiliM. Like Micksbabe and Peppy, LiliM also married a man with a high-conflict ex and alienated children. In her first Shrink4Men article, LiliM offers suggestions on how to navigate the divorce process with a high-conflict ex when children are involved based on her and her husband’s […]
Rudeness, Stress and Abuse are Neurotoxins: Children Who Witness Spousal Abuse Are at Risk
The only reason many men stay in unhappy relationships with abusive women is out of love and concern for their children. I’ve lost count of how many of my coaching clients have said, “If it weren’t for the kids, I’d have left a long time ago.” Some men stay because they believe they’re protecting their […]
Parental Alienation: Programming and Brainwashing
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and Hostile Aggressive Parenting (HAP) are controversial subjects. The field of Psychology has yet to officially legitimize its existence by including it in the current and upcoming edition of the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) despite there being an ever growing body of research that proves it is […]