Too many men have become the targets of false allegations. False allegations of domestic violence. False allegations of sexual assault. And false allegations of sexual abuse. False allegations are lies and people who make false allegations are liars. A false allegation of abuse isn’t just any lie; it’s one of the most contemptible lies that […]
To the Victim Go the Spoils: False Allegations, Men as Default Scapegoats and Why Some Women Get Away with Murder
Look at that poor woman crying! I wonder what he did to her? Pretend the image on the left is a Thematic Apperception Test card and make up a story about it. Is the woman crying because she discovered her boyfriend had been cheating on her, dumped her and emptied their joint account to go […]
The Divorce Danger Zone and the Power of NO: Giving in to a High-Conflict Ex in Order to Finalize a Divorce Is Often a Big Mistake
Many men who are going through a divorce with a high-conflict (HCP) and/or abusive personality disordered wife (e.g., Histrionic, Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Avoidant, Paranoid and Dependent Personality Disorders) think that giving her everything, appeasing her or making concession after concession will satisfy her and expedite the divorce process. This is usually a mistake. A big […]