This applies to male narcissists, too, as well as Borderlines, Histrionics and Sociopaths of both genders. This is undoubtedly no surprise to many of you reading this. I just didn’t want anyone to feel excluded. You know how touchy they get about these kinds of things. Oftentimes at the end of a relationship with this kind of […]
More Thoughts on FOG, Hoovers and No Contact When Ending a Relationship with a Narcissist, Borderline, Histrionic and/or Sociopath
Many of my clients often have difficulty after ending their relationships with an abusive and crazy ex. These men and women torture themselves with self-doubt (Am I doing the right thing?), self-recrimination (Why am I so stupid? Why did I put up with her/his behavior for so long? Why did I have kids with that […]
Learning about Predators from Nature: Leopards Do Not Change Their Spots
Earlier this week, I read an article in The Daily Mail that started out as a heart warming tale, but ended rather cruelly. The cruel ending did not surprise me, but left other readers angry and in despair, at least according to many of the comments left on the original post. From Don’t Play with […]