The following article is written by another CrazyBuster veteran: LiliM. Like Micksbabe and Peppy, LiliM also married a man with a high-conflict ex and alienated children. In her first Shrink4Men article, LiliM offers suggestions on how to navigate the divorce process with a high-conflict ex when children are involved based on her and her husband’s […]
The Divorce Danger Zone and the Power of NO: Giving in to a High-Conflict Ex in Order to Finalize a Divorce Is Often a Big Mistake
Many men who are going through a divorce with a high-conflict (HCP) and/or abusive personality disordered wife (e.g., Histrionic, Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Avoidant, Paranoid and Dependent Personality Disorders) think that giving her everything, appeasing her or making concession after concession will satisfy her and expedite the divorce process. This is usually a mistake. A big […]
Cringeworthy Divorce Attorney Commercials
I’ve watched these commercials a few times now and I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. At first, I thought they were Saturday Night Live spoof commercials, but they’re real. By the way, the two gentlemen in these ads may be examples of what is referred to as negative advocates in high-conflict divorce cases. [youtube y1Qk6QPzuIc] [youtube […]