Hello Everyone, Last week I received an email from David Burch, associate producer of Investigation Discovery’s Stalked. For the new season, they want to include at least one episode that features male targets of female stalkers. Many of you have shared your experiences about being stalked by your girlfriends/wives/exes here at Shrink4Men, which is how […]
What Does Crazy Sound Like? Psycho Ex-Girlfriend Stalks and Harasses Her Ex-Boyfriend Via Telephone
Last week, a Shrink4Men community member sent me a link to a site called PsychoEx-Girlfriend. Intrigued, I followed the link and hit the mother load. The site houses over 50 voicemails some woman left her ex-boyfriend after they broke up. These recordings have been kicking around the web since 2001, but this is the first time […]
Scenes from an Abusive Marriage: Should You Post an Abusive Wife’s Behavior on YouTube?
There’s a topic thread being discussed on the Shrink4Men Forum this week about a series of videos posted on YouTube by a man who suspects his wife has Borderline Personality Disorder or some combination of Cluster B personality traits based on how he’s tagged the videos. There are 11 videos in all, which are disturbing […]