Many of my clients often have difficulty after ending their relationships with an abusive and crazy ex. These men and women torture themselves with self-doubt (Am I doing the right thing?), self-recrimination (Why am I so stupid? Why did I put up with her/his behavior for so long? Why did I have kids with that […]
Relationship Stages, Abusive Women and the WTF Moment, Part Two
Relationships Stages, Abusive Women and the WTF Moment, Part, One, explored the early stages of an abusive relationship and the WTF moment. To clarify, the WTF moment is when the non-abusive partner first realizes there is something wrong with the abusive partner. As noted in Part One, the second relationship stage, the power struggle phase, […]
Relationship Stages, Abusive Women and the WTF Moment, Part One
What is the WTF moment? Oprah and her minions talk about having an “a-ha” moment or a defining moment of wisdom that you use to change your life. It is my belief that men and women in abusive relationships often have the WTF moment when they see behind an abusive partner’s mask for the first […]