Look at that poor woman crying! I wonder what he did to her? Pretend the image on the left is a Thematic Apperception Test card and make up a story about it. Is the woman crying because she discovered her boyfriend had been cheating on her, dumped her and emptied their joint account to go […]
Should this Man Marry His Abusive and Controlling Fiancée Next Week?
Dear Dr Tara J. Palmatier, I have recently come across your articles on Shrink4Men and have been reading them — especially those related to controlling and abusive women — and am hoping you can answer a simple yes or no question for me: Am I involved with a controlling and/or abusive woman? I hate to […]
Woman Makes False Rape Allegations Against Her Son’s Father to Gain Sole Custody – California Refuses to Prosecute Her
“Could this be happening? A man’s nightmare made real. Louis Gonzalez III stood accused of unspeakable acts: kidnapping, torture, sexual assault. If convicted, he faced life behind bars.” On February 1, 2008, Tracy West of Simi Valley, California staged a physical and sexual assault on herself. She then accused ex-boyfriend and father of their 5-year […]