Want to learn how to say goodbye to Crazy whether it’s your current partner, an ex, a friend or a family member? Would you like to attain some measure peace from the non-stop Sturm and Drang of an emotional terrorist who takes pleasure in making your life as miserable as hers?Find out how on the next episode of Going Mental when the basic principles of jettisoning Crazy from the soon to be released book, Say Goodbye to Crazy, will be discussed.
It doesn’t matter if Crazy has borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, is a sociopath or a straight-up jerk. There are strategies to if not eliminate Crazy entirely from your life to greatly reduce her or his presence and impact. It isn’t easy, but is so very worth it.
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Counseling with Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD
Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD helps individuals work through their relationship and codependency issues via telephone or Skype. She specializes in helping men and women trying to break free of an abusive relationship, cope with the stress of an abusive relationship or heal from an abusive relationship. Coaching individuals through high-conflict divorce and custody cases is also an area of expertise. She combines practical advice, emotional support and goal-oriented outcomes. Please visit the Schedule a Session page for more information.
Want to Say Goodbye to Crazy? Buy it HERE.
I’m struggling with it now and than. I don’t know why but thoughts of her slip through and yes I’m really angry with her, but at the same time i still care about because my feelings for her were sincere. https://shrink4men.com/2013/02/06/the-next-guy-did-your-ex-girlfriend-or-ex-wife-downgrade/ I have been reading this blog, and that play exactly looks like the past few months between her and me. She even treatened to call the police on me, once through a fb conversation and once because I was sitting in front of her doorstep for 2,5 hours, wanting to talk to her. She left me again for no appearant reason, and I asked her if we could have a normall constructive conversation. I wasn’t agressive or anything, if I wanted to harm her, I wouldn’t let that door stand in my way. She was using her 7 yo daughter , she refused to talk to me but let her kid do all the talking and begging. Begging me to go away, I refused ofcourse. I saw her neighbour twice, and he saw me sitting there and asked me if I wanted a drink. Turned a little smile on my face. I kindly refused but thanked him for his kindness and told him, that I would leave soon because I don’t want to bother him and his family. I openly told him that my reason for sitting there , were due to relationship problems. She actually treatened to call the police on me because I refused to leave. I told her, you just do that, I’m not doing anything wrong. She never called the police. Next day one of her followers texted me and treatened me that if I would ever get close to her or her daughter again , I would have a problem. I asked him If that was a treath, if so I would report it straight to the Police. I also told him that she was just using him, that made him even more angry. I’m not scared of that clown but it shows you how insane she is. She even told me she was scared of me, while all the time I was with her, I was her doormat. I told her, you are scared of me? I’m scared of the people you hang around with. I didn’t stand up for myself enough and if I did, I would be ridiculed, insulted or she would either rage or give me the silent treatment. To think that she was pregnant from me, and actually telling me she would take my child away from me, simply because I offered her the help of my parents, still makes me extremely angry. She blamed me for the miscarriage but yet it was her, who caused all the stress. I asked her to stop smoking, asked her to stop drinking coffeine, I asked her to let me help her clean her place, I played with her daughter, Helped her at work during my free hours, bought her extra food while I had almost no food at my place. Nothing wasn’t good enough for her. I tried talking to her, because I wanted to know if she wanted to have our child or not. One day she would say yes, another day she told me the child has to leave. Day by day she changed her opinion, all that time she made me hide it for everyone, even her own uncle and aunt didn’t know. Not my idea but I wanted to keep her on my side. I see now how wrong that was, I should have told them. But how does she even dare in her righteous mind, blame the miscarriage on me. I cared more about our child than she did. Not because she told me she didn’t care about that child, but because I don’t know what she thinks. I saw her crying together with her daughter when they watched a youtube video about babies, she was holding my hand. I ‘ve seen her anger, blaming the miscarriage on me, and last time I agreed with her that abortion would have been better because a single mom raising 2 children would be to much, and she got upset. Till this day I still have her on social media, she picks up the phone when I call her but she still holds a big grudge against me after I wrote some horrible things about her on my fb wall, but it was the truth. But she was already holding a grudge against me from the beginning, since that moment she refused to talk to me, insult me and make me sit in front of her door for nearly 3 hours, leaving me for a guy she doesn’t even know the exact age from, I only know he is way younger. During the 3 month time frame we haven’t dated , she probably slept with 2 to 3 guys and it hurts me so much. How can she discard of me like that, I was and always will be the father of her unborn child, and I thought just for that she would at least think about working things out, because only to the very end I became more frustrated with her behavior and spook out my anger and the issues I had with her seeing other men, because I knew she was cheating, ofcourse she denied it and got angry with me. She blocked me numerous times on social media, but somehow and for a certain reason she isn’t doing that right now. Even if she tells me not to write with her, again she picks up the phone when I occasionally call her and doesn’t block me. Am i hoping she will return, yes I am, but i will make clear to her. No more guy friends, no more excessive drama , and I demand her to see a psychotherapist and to get help. I do want to block her but i can bring myself to hate her, as much as im angry with her, she will always be the mother of our unborn child to me. What should i do @ dc. Tara. I’m really confused, she never contacts me , tells me no to write with her but again doesn’t block me on social media. Why even answer my phone calls , if you do not wish to speak to me. Next week her 7 yo daughter has her birthday and I do want to send a birthday card . I’m really confused and I have these days were i totally relaps. I am recovering slowly but I don’t think i can ever forget what happened. I’m really worried about her but I can’t help her , and no matter what I do, it will only thrive her further away.
”I can’t bring myself to hate her”
I just wanted to say (well, type) that like everyone else with a working brain, I’m really looking forward to the new Say Goodbye to Crazy series — and congratulations on the completion of the book! I hope it eventually becomes required reading in all school curricula.
(A guy can dream, can’t he?)
Thank you as always for braving the Mixed Nuts to resolutely exhibit a voice of reason in an often unreasonable world.