From the shameless pandering department: For years, the game industry has struggled to create games that would have mass appeal to girls and women. There’s been some smashing successes with casual and social games like Bejeweled and Farmville. In fact, Farmville is so popular with some women, that Florida mom, Alexandra V. Tobias, shook her 3-month old son to death for interrupting her while playing it in 2010.
In the grand tradition of shooting defenseless creatures like Deer Hunter and violence porn like Grand Theft Auto, game app developer DreamFishSoft has created a new game app for Google’s Android phone that’s optimized to appeal to a particular type of female customer called Angry Wife.
Android apps provides the following description for Angry Wife:
Wife is angry at husband.
Angry wife is throwing dishes to husband.
Try get as high combo as possible to get high score.
Don’t forget this is just for fun.
Don’t forget, it’s “just for fun,” wink, wink.
The illustration used to market the game is that of a youngish, glamorous, Kardashian-esque woman wearing a strapless dress and a pissy expression, a maid, and a shlubby looking man with a beer stein in each hand and a look of terror upon his face. Fun-neeeeeeeeeeee.
But, wait, it gets better.
Here are some stills of the game. The first one illustrates the game objectives:
Unleash your anger! At least DreamFishSoft seems to be aware enough of their target audience to remind them, “Don’t throw dishes to a real person. Don’t forget this is just for fun.”
The image above shows the husband taking cover behind a sofa to protect himself from glass shards.
The image above shows airborne plates being thrown at the husband by Angry Wife.
The image above shows more plates being thrown at the husband who appears to be crying while still clutching is full beer stein.
For female customers who have novice gaming skills, DreamFishSoft offers the beginner game Angry Wife’s Training. Here’s the game description:
Angry wife is training herself to destroy bottles by throwing dishes…
Don’t miss bottles more than three times.
Hitting fruits gives extra points.
Hitting bomb gives one more life.
DreamFishSoft doesn’t mention, “don’t forget, it’s just for fun.”
embedded by Embedded Video
YouTube Direkt
At the time I write this, Angry Wife has a rating of 3.8 out of 4 stars, with 858 individuals giving the highest score of 5 stars.
I wonder if DreamFishSoft will release a male targeted version of this game, Angry Husband? The illustration could be that of a trim, middle-aged man in a nondescript business suit with an overweight wife in dumpy yoga pants and fitted tee-shirt with Starbucks coffee stains holding a glass of wine in each hand and a look of terror upon her face. Here’s a possible description:
Husband is angry at wife.
Angry husband is throwing collectible porcelain figures from the Home Shopping Network at wife.
Try to get as high combo as possible to get high score and bonus credit card cutting.
Don’t forget this is just for fun.
I love games and play RPGs (role playing games). I prefer games that let me slay mythical creatures like ogres, shades, genlocks, shambling skeletons, etc. My character even has a battle cry, “I am a war god!,” which I think is pretty funny. Perhaps Angry Husband should have a battle cry. He could shout, “Go make me a turkey pot pie, bitch!“
What’s that you say? Not as funny? That it could be misconstrued as advocating domestic violence against women? That DreamFishSoft doesn’t take domestic violence against women seriously? That it’s misogynistic? That it promotes violence against women as an acceptable and humorous cultural norm?
Hey, relax. It’s just a game. Sheesh, some people have noooooo sense of humor!
Counseling with Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD
Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD helps individuals work through their relationship and codependency issues via telephone or Skype. She specializes in helping men and women trying to break free of an abusive relationship, cope with the stress of an abusive relationship or heal from an abusive relationship. Coaching individuals through high-conflict divorce and custody cases is also an area of expertise. She combines practical advice, emotional support and goal-oriented outcomes. Please visit the Schedule a Session page for more information.
Want to Say Goodbye to Crazy? Buy it HERE.
Verbal says
“Don’t throw dishes to real person.”
“Hitting fruits gives extra points.”
Grammar was not a priority in the game design.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Or is it evidence that DreamFishSoft really knows their audience? (snark)
Verbal says
Illiterate, entitled drama queens? Who knew there was such a market niche?
Dr Tara Palmatier says
If you get a moment from dodging plates, cleaning up your wife’s messes and tending to your daughter, just visit websites for SAHM mommy bloggers and “fashionista” sites. There is a BIG market.
B Experienced says
What really stands out to me a lot these days with new Mothers, especially after having raised a daughter, is how they actually state proudly that the girl will be like them and who they want them to be. We are going to have a legion of mini me’s.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
We already do.
Narcissistic anyone? “I want my child to be just like me?” Erm, well, what if she isn’t?
Ken says
Re Mom’s raising daughters to be just like them (including the key “issues”): That’s the theme Charles Dickens (I think was the author) wrote the book, “Great Expectations” around. Which is to highlight just how long this behavior pattern has been recognized in some depth….
Verbal says
Reminds me of a time The Crazy Lady smashed a piece of glassware on the kitchen floor. There were shards of glass all over the place. Naturally, I was left to clean up the mess she made, and worked hard to get the floor completely clear.
The next day our toddler daughter was walking in the kitchen when she let out a shriek. There was a tiny sliver of glass that I had missed stuck in the sole of her foot.
Yeah. Smashing dishes is a real hoot.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Yeah, a real hoot. Sorry your daughter was hurt, Verbal.
bubbajoebob says
Oh, stop it. Hasn’t she suffered enough already?
Her ass is neither big enough nor visible enough to be Kardashian.
Maybe it could be improved if he gets to throw the beer steins back at her?
Dr Tara Palmatier says
True, but I was considering the hair and cocktail dress being worn around the house.
No, no, no, bubbajoebob, Domestic violence is only funny when women do it. Pay attention! 😉
Verbal says
I have to call you out on that one, Dr. T. Domestic violence can only occur by a man against a woman. Domestic violence by a woman doesn’t exist, so it can’t be seen as funny, serious, or indifferent. Haven’t you been paying attention to Dr. Phil? Please come to the meetings in future. Thanks in advance.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Curses. Foiled again.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Just noticed, the maid character looks exactly like the husband character in drag. Wonder what that’s about? Intentional or just a lazy developer?
Verbal says
The game maker is subtly implying that the man’s status in the household is no higher than that of the maid’s. Hope this helps.
alreadylost says
Do you get more points if you make him spill his beer? I just saw a news headline where one in four women are severely injured by their intimate partner. No mention about injured men. Those dishes and dish shards must not cause any injuries.
Sean says
Made my day!
The developers of Angry Wife could make take this game one step further. If Angry Wife successfully completes the dish throwing session ,the cops show up and arrest the husband for domestic violence!
Ironic i am playing the game now on my Android. Happy I can laugh at this now but sadly this was a past reality!
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Thanks for sending the link to the game, Sean, and thank you for registering at S4M. Welcome!
bluegeek says
Don’t forget adding damaging the property for using his head to stop the speeding dish. Oh…don’t forget assault for raising his arms to ward off a coffee cup.
I’ll stop at two. IL still has some bizarre laws on the books.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Are you serious, Mark? Do men really get arrested for property damage when a woman smashes a vase over his head?
fironzelle says
I don’t know if any of you have ever had a major worldview shift (loss of religious faith, change of political viewpoint, etc.) I have done that. It is a long process, but after you come out on the other side, you are aware of the startling complete blindness you once had. Do two or more of these major shifts, and you become very cautious about everything you think.
The point is that basically all of us humans have this infuriating trait that we rationalize away things that don’t fit our paradigm. And it usually isn’t us that created our paradigm in the first place. Once you accept someone else’s narrative, the game is over, unless you are an honest and fearless sort of person, in which case the accumlated weight of contradiction, hypocricy and injustice become too much for you to continue rationalizing.
I’ve heard it said that postmodern political strategy, of which the nasty sort of feminism we talk about here is a part, is to focus solely on “creating” truth through narrative, for the purpose of shifting power to groups they see as traditionally downtrodden. This is not to say that everyone else is not playing the same propaganda game, because they are. But there is a distinction. What I am saying is that there is a breed of human that cares less about truth than power, and intentionally exploits our human tendency to rationalize, through relentless dishonesty, to create a false reality in which they win, and screw the losers, and the truth. More honest people may be disasterously politically wrong and very stubborn in their rationalizations, but at least they haven’t sold their souls.
Given all these realities, we can talk about double standards all day long and make no difference in the world. Playing politics with these kinds of people is so very similar with the kinds of mind games you can be tempted to play with the cluster b in your life. It seems the only way to fight back is to stoop to their level, but you don’t want to lose your dignity or character in the process. Two wrongs don’t make a right, etc, etc, etc… Blah.
fironzelle says
And to be totally fair, since I did not intend this post as a way to start a political debate, I should say that the odds are high that accomplished politicans of any party or ideology have sold their souls in the way I described.
Dr Tara Palmatier says
I have had that worldview shift, fironzelle. There was a time in my ealry 20s when I probably would have found this game funny. Now I see things like Angry Wife and am blown away.
My doc program was a Post-modernist social deconstructionist snake pit that believed one’s subjective reality was just as valid, if not more so than objective reality. It was an incredibly painful four years for me. Frightening stuff.
dbruning says
“My doc program was a Post-modernist social deconstructionist snake pit that believed one’s subjective reality was just as valid, if not more so than objective reality.”
Well that would explain a lot of the BS I hear coming from female friends/coworkers/significant other when they come back from therapy and spew off about how they are entitled to have their feelings even when basic data driven facts does not support them. Basically their misperception of reality should become facts that over ride reality?!? WTF! I think Dr. T. mentioned this when talking about a clients wife who would throw a tantrum whenever the facts were presented during session, “the facts don’t feel good!” (paraphrased).
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Hi dbruning,
Yes, I mentioned that. Specifically, she whined, “The truth is mean.”
bubbajoebob says
Listen, I’ve told you already, knock it off! Hasn’t she suffered enough already?
B Experienced says
There is only one reality and sometimes real choices after the reality has been established. Adults know this, children and neurotics try to manipulate it as not being true.
lifeonborder-line says
Hence why validation is preached so strongly. But subjective reality should only be valid for young children who do not understand reality yet. Its our job as parents to validate and help shape that reality in a gentle and loving way, easier said than done. Unfortunately most HC women are like the young children that you have to be a parent too. Most men’s subjective reality is not PC so it is frowned upon.
It is really awful how therapists are encouraging grown ups to handle their problems like children instead of reconciling their distorted view of reality with reality.
fironzelle says
I can tell a kindred spirit when I see one. My journey out of my old worldviews was a five year process, and yes… very painful and isolating.
B Experienced says
It sounds like the people in your program were using PD twisting defenses to rationalize their pathology and warped world view. I am scared knowing that this was out there in a school. Just reading it I feel scared, especially when I know that people get treated for their pathological subjective thinking and feeling. I think they are left over hippies from the anything goes and let it all hang out philosophy of psychotherapy.
How did you deal with that?
Mellaril says
To me it seems like there’s this gross misconception (144 times worse than an ordinary misconception) that the genuineness of an emotion or feeling validates the emotion, feeling or response. Whether it’s a chemical imbalance, operant conditioning, or a stray cosmic ray that caused those synapses to fire a certain way, the feeling may indeed be genuine. It may not be a valid response but it’s a genuine one.
As H.L Menken put it, “Explanations exist; they have existed for all time; there is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong.” – “The Divine Afflatus” in New York Evening Mail (16 November 1917); later published in Prejudices: Second Series (1920) and A Mencken Chrestomathy (1949)
BarkingShark says
I am dealing with a great deal of hypocrisy and propaganda being shoved at me by my signifigant other’s family and worst of all, his HCP ex wife and his psychotherapist mother. This was great to read and made sense and now I’m armed with a little more in my mental arsenal. Thank you.
B Experienced says
This is why the ventilation theories are so dangerous in Pop Psychology. Anger begets more anger and it is usually just a dress rehearsal for more. It very seldom works. It can slowly loosen up your inner controls to the point where you do lose self control as well. This happens in normal people, and the danger increases with people who have Cluster B Disorders. It is best to get rid of anger by letting it go and to learn other healthy and safe ways to empower yourself, make your point or gets your need and desires met. If the situation is not the way you want it or can’t be changed then it is a mature approach to accept that and either move on or work towards changing it. Highly charged emotional arguments very seldom work and become more unhinged and irrational as they go on. In the end, nothing good usually gets solved and more pain and problems are created. The cost to your health by having anger as an integral part of it is very costly.
Verbal says
This is why the Primal Scream Therapy fad of the 70’s fizzled out. It just didn’t work.
lifeonborder-line says
aren’t most crock pop psychology theories out their still valid
lifeonborder-line says
I’m severely multi-tasking. Aren’t most crock pop psychology theories out there still treated as valid even if they are obviously a steaming pile.
B Experienced says
Hi Verbal and Life
Most of them are all still out there. I think it is the only field that is entitled to do what they want, to whom they want, and when they want. Almost every other field is regulated and monitored largely competently except them. I think there are more restrictions and laws on making rubber bands than developing and marketing psychotherapy. Is it any wonder it is often called the field of narcissism or the guru field.
lifeonborder-line says
Most of the way we are told to deal with children is based on pop psychology. Not suggesting we should go back to the children are seen but not heard level but pop psychology and self esteem has given us a big bunch of barely functional narcissists.
lifeonborder-line says
What are you going to do but laugh. I was personally hoping you were going to be shooting your wife out of a sling shot at pigs holding your kids hostage. Indeed this would never be tolerated if it was another politically incorrect scenario.
ExpatDad says
This reminds me of a particularly egregious occurrence during one of the divorce mediation sessions where I live, with one of my present country of residence’s most eminent divorce/custody psychologist-mediators.
The context- my exwife and I had had an earlier series of mediation meetings with a mediator/lawyer that had ultimately broken down with no definitive agreement on alimony or the children after some 4 or 5 meetings. However, some interim agreements on minor issues had at least been agreed, and minuted by the lawyer, in particular concerning dealing with the children’s vacations. As I said, the first mediation process broke down, we ended up going to court for the alimony, but settled out of court regarding the children and custody after we were referred to the psychologist/mediator. With this second mediator – who was bound by the same rules of the same national mediation institute as the first – the issue of the interim agreement regarding the vacations came up. My exwife attempted to rewrite history and claim that she had never made any such agreement with me in front of the first mediator. I pointed out the following- it was made in meeting 1 with the first mediator. In subsequent meeting 2 we had been presented with the minutes of meeting 1, which contained the record of the agreement we had made. We had agreed in meeting 2 that the minutes of meeting 1 represented a true record of what was discussed and agreed (to the extent to which anything was agreed, which at least included the vacation agreement). In subsequent meeting 3 the minutes of meeting 2 were discussed and agreed, the minutes of meeting 2 including our agreement that the minutes of meeting 1 were correct. There was even as I mentioned above subsequent meeting 4 in which the minutes of meeting 3 were agreed including our agreement that…. you get my drift.
I pointed all this out to the second mediator, looking to her to back me up with agreement that it was a fact, agreed to incontrovertibly by my exwife.
This mediator, as I say one of the top ones in the country where I reside, looked at us both and then said to me, “There’s your truth, and there’s her truth.”
alreadylost says
Unfortunately we can’t let facts get in the way of the truth. That is one of the difficult issues of dealing with mental states. You can’t easily quantify crazy. Everyone uses a different measuring stick. Thank my stars everyday I work in the hard sciences where action A always gives result B. I deal in measurable quantifiable facts until I get home anyway. Soon to change.
anon.father says
i also live outside of the us, and have had professionals say the same thing: “there’s your truth and there’s her truth.”
it can be beyond frustrating and can take you to your personal limits.
your wife says and does certain things. you take pictures and make videos. then she denies everything and you are told there’s your truth and hers. she changes dates, says you did things you didn’t, and there’s still your truth and hers.
i found myself desperately trying to have discussions with social services, the courts, etc., about facts, and i found that the police were by far the most stable, reasonable, and helpful group. however, “the wife,” does not “often” do stuff where the police need to be involved.
there are, however, facts. you just have to persist and get yourself out of the picture. right now, it looks like things “the wife” does without my involvement are more acceptable as “facts.”
stuff experienced and documented by other people can be critical.
you may find that people who live with “there is your truth and there is her truth,” that they have some other vocabulary for “what’s actually going on around them.” so, they may use the word “facts,” or “oh that’s verified,” etc. it might help you to figure out what words and phrases they use to describe events, facts, times, etc.
you can ask them about lying.
ask them whether they believe it exists.
the problem is that exemplifying idiotic concepts held by people who have authority over your situation can be dangerous. you can come off as belittling.
“you say there are 3 truths in the room, right, because there are 3 people?
ok, i am now going to say that your car is my car and i want my keys back (you say this to the therapist). and while you are at it, please give me my wallet, which you stole from me.”
bubbajoebob says
Oh, my brother, that is exactly where I’m at right now. Pray, pray, pray that the option I’m trying to exercise works, because it will get rid of all those “whosetruthers” in one fell swoop.
B Experienced says
anon father
Can a lawyer help you out? Maybe his truth will help them straighten out everybody else’s idea of truth.
Confusicated says
This is F@#*ed up. I don’t think anybody can tell tell me this sort of thing sets a healthy example for the already deranged women who would be the target audience.
And as for the grammer thing, It doesn’t take an uneducated woman to be abusive. I know I put mine through grad school. Mine would probably rather play a game like Passive-aggresive wife where you get points for lying to the kids and extra lives for backhanded compliments to the husband and an automatic win if they can get there soon to be ex fired fom his already unstable job.
Confusicated says
LOL, talk about bad grammer. what I meant to say was *”are the target audience”.
Confusicated says
Or check this video out, it is culturally accepted, try reversing the genders here and the it wouldn’t be nearly as funny….
Confusicated says
Sad thing is, you don’t have to look hard to find these videos…but almost nothing if you reverse the gender(probably gets marked offensive, and slated for removal).
anon.father says
dear dr t: make the game. contact me if you want me to make it for you. make the game. make your version. it will cost about $5,000 to make and will take a few weeks. “angry husband,” good name. probably not taken. make the game. see what happens. you’ll probably quadruple your investment before it’s pulled from the shelves. OR — making the game will help bring this cause to the forefront of public attention. maybe i should just do it. or take up a collection to make the game as a group.
gooberzzz says
No one would play it because there is no way to win.
gooberzzz says
“You’ve been gas lighted. YOU LOSE! Do NOT pass to the next level. Press GO to start over with new angry wife”
“Your parental alienation quota is maxed, you lose children, and do NOT pass to the next level. Press GO to start over with new angry wife”
“TIP: Protecting yourself against physically hostile behavior will deplete your life line.”
“SHIT TALK ALERT!!! MOB RULE!! YOU LOSE! Do NOT pass to the next level. Press GO to start over with new angry wife”
“BONUS ROUND! The Double-Bind Shit Test. Earn points by jumping through as many hoops as possible. If you earn more than one point, YOU LOSE! Do NOT pass to the next level. Press GO to start over with new angry wife”
Brought to you by PD Sports
Ken says
On the bright side…any guy that encounters a date, etc. that uses, endorses, etc. this game is thus that much more informed & [should] knows they should stay away. Observe how this game or plays to the [negative] “gold digger” personality — the pretty, shapely, young babe married to a balding over-the-hill rich [evidenced by the house w. maid] guy. Clearly, neither she or the guy got into that relationship out of mutually reinforcing and psychologically healthy commonalities. So, in a way, its hard to feel sorry for ‘that’ guy.
What would make the game better is if there were multi-player capablity in which the guy could also fight back & the two could really beat each other up. Then, we really wouldn’t care who “won” (or lost least). Also, an associated feature in which people could partner up in healthy ways and earn points (e.g. college savings accounts), go on trips, acquire things, etc. — which get depeleted/canceled by arguments, etc. That’s hardly original–its fundamentally the same as a number of old (70s-era) war games in which opposing sides could build up their economies, militaries, develop alliances, etc….and occasionally go to war at varying levels of destructiveness. These were complicated on the order of Dungeons & Dragons, or more and could really challenge the players in ways that correlated with real-world problem-solving (i.e. these were positive)….and with technology its interesting to see how the capability to play such games, even more realistically, has actually led to a dumbed-down set of available options. Doesn’t say much for where our society is headed. The stupid game presented here is just one of a pattern of such examples illustrating this.
BarkingShark says
I contacted the app creator/designer today. We exchanged several emails, and at Dr. T’s suggestion, I am posting them here. The creator doesn’t quite ‘get it’, but it’s a start…I have removed some details like my email adress and last name.
Re: Angry Wife
1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Jae Yoo TO:Amy Message flagged Thursday, December 15, 2011 1:02 PMMessage bodyHi Amy,
Actually I was planning to change dish to pillow. And also already rated it as a high maturity which only 18+ older can access.
Thanks alot for your feedback and I always appreciate sincere message since it only improves my view to the public.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:55 PM, Amy wrote:
Thank you Jae…
It really is a huge problem and although it is not your problem directly, the fact that it IS a free app makes it all that more easy for kids to get to it, and that sends a poor message to them, and to all of us.
I was not expecting a response, nor one so soon, and I appreciate you considering the side of my concern I presented. God luck fiddling around with the app!
Best wishes,
From: Jae Yoo
To: “”
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: Angry Wife
Hi Amy,
Thank you very much for your opinion and I’m taking this very seriously. I’ll unpublish this app for now. and will do redesign the game again especially about the dish breaking parts.
I really appreciate your feedback again.
Best Regards
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 9:08 AM, barking_shark
I’m not sure how you can tout this as ‘Just for fun’. Domestic violence perpetrated by a woman against a man is a very real problem; one that judges, police, and family courts turn a blind eye to because society has been trained to see men as monsters, rapists, bad, violent, and women as not capable of perpetuating violence because they are the ‘fairer sex’, physically smaller, ‘weaker’ and worst of all, very skilled at being emotionally manipulative in getting what they want (not all of us) via outbursts, tantrums, sexual witholding, and threatening, especially where children are involved. Personality disorders and other mental or mood disorders come into play here, and that isn’t fair or right to show an angry out of control woman attacking ANYONE.
Funny, there isn’t an Android app called Angry Husband. Know why? Because VAWA and allll sorts of womens rights and human rights and who knows what else would crawl straight up your USB port and shut you down.
What gives you the right to judge this as ‘funny’ and ‘Just a game’ ? What if you had a son and their wife was doing this to them? Or a daughter who got a nightly smack when she ‘Didn’t get her man his beer fast enough!!!!’ Or calls her a stupid b*tch.
Please rethink this. Please.
Amy H
BarkingShark says
I should note that it reads last to first. Sorry!
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Thank you, Barking Shark, and welcome!
Jade Michael says
You guys don’t understand the patriarchal influence of this game. It proves what men still think of women. Why else would she be throwing dishes? Undoubtedly because a woman’s place is in the kitchen, so that is all she could get her hands on to hurl at her domineering husband. If she were an empowered woman she wouldn’t have to throw dishes. Obviously she is violent because she is oppressed and that is her ONLY way to gain empowerment. It is her only defense against her drunken, abusive husband. She is obviously objectified by him in having to wear that slinky dress around the house. You could cut her forced submission with a knife. What kind of misogynistic louts are y’all to not recognize this? 🙂
Dr Tara Palmatier says
Hi Jade Michaels,
Nice to see more folks from AVfM stopping by. Welcome, oh, and very funny! 😉
BarkingShark says
Funny, I DID think about that after re-reading the games’ description and the mention of the imbibing, inebriated husband.
But two wrongs don’t make it right.
And portraying an all-too-real situation to what could possibly be a real life prepubescent audience may reaally send the wrong message, period. And let’s face it. Some adults can’t even handle this.
Mike Davis says
It’s fun the whole family can enjoy B)
cuatezon says
Hi all – here is a supportive page I found re: women abusing men. The webpage has stats & info:
Dr. F says
Hey Dr. Tara,
Thanks for this slice o’ sunshine mate.
I’ll be looing out for this one to download…. yep, I reckon that there’s a kid here and there that can get hands on training for future ‘good tahms’.
Bugger that with a flaming fish fork and bugger the slithering sorts that giggle at the twits that hit their site.
How any sort that can gobble up this junk bewilders me. It bewilders me and the bit in me that isn’t bewildered just knows secretly that it’s because there is a lazy thinking of such pervertedness that just refuses to hug anything that says “enough male biffing” and “we’ve had enough, We get it and no more please.”
Not to worry really. In the long run one day sure as eggs this lot will be pegged just like comic the books of old that had ‘darkies’ and ‘slant eyed’ chaps with guns getting their comeuppance at the hand of sterling white folk at the helm.
Good grief can’t we see just a wee bit beyond a wallet that want more to eat ?
Dr. F says
Hey Dr. Tara,
Thanks for this slice o’ sunshine mate.
I’ll be looing out for this one to download…. yep, I reckon that there’s a kid here and there that can get hands on training for future ‘good tahms’.
Bugger that with a flaming fish fork and bugger the slithering sorts that giggle at the twits that hit their site.
How any sort that can gobble up this junk bewilders me. It bewilders me and the bit in me that isn’t bewildered just knows secretly that it’s because there is a lazy thinking of such pevertedness that just refuses to hug anything that says “enough male biffing” and “we’ve had enough, We get it and no more please.”
Not to worry really. In the long run one day sure as eggs this lot will be pegged just like comic the books of old that had ‘darkies’ and ‘slant eyed’ chaps with guns getting their comeuppance at the hand of sterling white folk at the helm.
Good grief can’t we see just a wee bit beyond a wallet that want more to eat ?
ghebert says
It’s all fun and games until you poke fun at women…then there is hell to pay because “Thou shalt not criticize a woman.” Never forget the eleventh commandment. Maybe Angry Husband could be the wife nagging and telling the husband he’s worthless and the only way to get her to shut up is to beat the living f*ck out of her. You get bonus points for stringing together some street-fighter style combos! Remember, it’s just for fun. Oh what shit-storm that would cause.
Unfortunately I think most of us would feel it hits a little too close to home when the virtual wife starts nagging and telling you how worthless you are…
cuatezon says
Hi – this doesn’t quite apply to the game piece here, but has anyone seen the new ‘Tide’ laundry detergent commercial? A couple folding laundry together with their toddler, and at the end of the commercial the wife says to the husband “you really suck folding clothes.”
Okay don’t want to be oversensitive here, yet I don’t like this & if it were the other way around, it would be a public travesty & verbal assault on a woman. I don’t know I think the commercial sucks. 🙂