Or not. According to DailyMail.com, an immigration officer in Britain put his wife’s name on a the list of suspected terrorists that effectively blocked her from returning to their marital home in Croydon, South London for 3 years. Perhaps the gentleman just wanted some peace and quiet? Perhaps he believed this would be easier than […]
How a Professional Referee Trains for Work at Home: An Abusive, High-Conflict Wife
Have you ever wondered how professional referees are trained? What kind of training do they go through that teaches them to remain calm, collected and expressionless, even when they have 300-lb steroid cases snarling and spitting in their faces? (No offense to 300-lb steroid cases—I understand that you’re just doing your job). How do refs […]
“Funny” Divorce Cakes
There’s a conversation on the Shrink4Men Forum in which members are discussing a viral email that’s currently being passed around the web with a link to “funny divorce cakes.” I haven’t received this email, so decided to do a quick Google image search and, lo and behold, there’s a divorce cake industry. Who knew? TheExaminer […]