Every week, at least one self-identified BPD and/or Golden Uterus sends an email or tries to post a comment taking me to task for warning people to be wary of personal relationships with individuals with Borderline, Narcissistic, Histrionic and/or sociopathic traits. Interestingly, I only receive messages from self-identified BPDs, concern trolls (see below), and stay-at-home-moms […]
Huffington Post Columnist Vicki Larson Cites Shrink4Men and Dr Tara Palmatier: Are Men Society’s Scapegoats?
Huffington Post Divorce columnist Vicki Larson contacted me a few weeks ago to ask if I would do an interview. Larson had recently injured herself, sustained a black eye and found her clumsiness funny. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, did not find her shiner quite so humorous. He was quite understandably worried that people […]