Counseling with Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD
Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD helps individuals work through their relationship and codependency issues via telephone or Skype. She specializes in helping men and women trying to break free of an abusive relationship, cope with the stress of an abusive relationship or heal from an abusive relationship. Coaching individuals through high-conflict divorce and custody cases is also an area of expertise. She combines practical advice, emotional support and goal-oriented outcomes. Please visit the Schedule a Session page for more information.
Want to Say Goodbye to Crazy? Buy it HERE.
Good luck!!
Thanks, Marshall.
All the best, Dr. Palmatier, and bravo!
Thank you, Closure at last. I really appreciate the well wishes.
I know that right now you’ll be way too busy to read this post.
So, when you do get to it sometime after your show, let me say it was a great show and now your happiness is well deserved.
See, I’m using a crystal ball and this one actually works. 🙂