Woman Calls in False Bomb Threat to Iberia Airline Flight to Stop Boyfriend from Leaving
If you thought a woman calling 911 to coerce her boyfriend to propose marriage to her was crazy, here’s an equally crazy news item. Grace Guajardo of Santiago, Chile called in a fake bomb threat to stop her boyfriend, Rodrigo Gomez, from flying to Spain for his new job on a cruise ship last week.
A Chilean woman has been charged with making a false bomb threat after attempting to stop her boyfriend from flying off to a new job.
Freed pending trial, Grace Guajardo faces up to 61 days in jail if convicted after prosecutors decided not to invoke more severe anti-terrorism laws having heard the couple’s story.
Yet another woman who is likely to get off with a slap on the wrist for committing a serious crime. What would have happened if Mr Gomez had been the one to phone in a false bomb threat that wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars and caused personal and professional inconvenience to thousands of innocent individuals? He’d be painted as a crazy, controlling, desperate, unstable man and he’d be in jail.
Guajardo’s boyfriend Rodrigo Gomez had boarded a flight ahead of beginning a month-long job as a cruise ship waiter but she called in a bomb threat so as to stop him leaving.
I’m sorry, but I did it for love,’ Guajardo said after she was charged with making a false bomb threat this week.
Haven’t we all heard this load of garbage before? Most abusers justify their crazy and hurtful behaviors by claiming they acted out of “love.” Furthermore, Guajardo’s apology is pretty weak. Exactly what is she sorry about? She didn’t want her boyfriend to leave and she got her way with zero consequences to her thus far.
Mr Gomez had boarded Iberia Flight 6830 for Madrid at Santiago Airport on Sunday when Guajardo launched her extraordinary bid to keep him in the country, causing the evacuation of more than 300 people from the plane.
Desperate that he was leaving, Guajardo admitted she called the airport from her mobile phone demanding that authorities tell Mr Gomez his father was gravely ill.
When that did not work, she called back, alleging there was a bomb on the plane, authorities said.
If at first you don’t succeed—escalate the crazy.
The plane was already taxiing down the tarmac when pilots parked it in a remote location where the 312 people aboard were taken off and police with bomb-sniffing dogs meticulously searched the luggage.
Meanwhile, records showed both calls were made from a mobile phone that Mr Gomez had left at home. Guajardo then confessed and was arrested.
She did, however, succeed in getting Mr Gomez to stay in Chile. The other 311 people were rescheduled for a Monday flight.
‘Yes, I’m sorry for what I did, it wasn’t the best thing to do, but at least he’s here,’ Guajardo said outside court.
How is it possible that an individual who disrupts the lives of at least 311 people and causes considerable expense to law enforcement, passengers, airline personnel, bomb-sniffing dogs, ground crews and the family members and employers of the passengers doesn’t spend a night in jail (Gomez bailed her out according to the Reuters article on the same incident)? I hope they fine her/sue her to recoup the financial losses and personal and professional inconveniences suffered by everyone involved. Although, Mr Gomez will no doubt be the one who’s on the hook financially for her crime. Good luck to Gomez paying for Guajardo’s crime since her stunt probably also cost him his job.
Rodrigo Gomez and Grace Guajardo
The couple informed the court that they have lived together for eight years and have three children.
Mr Gomez has often worked as a waiter on cruise ships, and was leaving home again after a year and a half in Santiago.
‘I can’t be angry, I have to support her. What she needs is love, nothing more,’ Mr Gomez said, and they kissed again before the cameras.
Ugh. Mr Gomez should become the official poster boy for “How to Enable your Crazy Girlfriend/Wife.” Clearly, Mr Gomez caused Ms Guajardo’s behavior by “abandoning” her to go earn money to support her and their 3 children.
Looks like we have another red flag to add to 8 Dating Red Flags that Should Send Men Running list. Just so there’s no ambiguity: If a woman phones in a bomb threat to stop her boyfriend/husband from traveling for work; it’s a red flag. A big one. Phoning in a bomb threat to prevent a “loved one” from leaving says “she has abandonment and control issues” like nothing else can. Even a blind man should be able to see that one, but, apparently not Mr Gomez.
Dr Tara J. Palmatier provides confidential, fee-for-service, consultation/coaching services to help both men and women work through their relationship issues via telephone and/or Skype chat. Her practice combines practical advice, support, reality testing and goal-oriented outcomes. Please visit the Shrink4Men Services page for professional inquiries.
This is probably just the tip of the crazy iceberg.
What a pig. My compassion has run out for these types of women. Mean girls on the playground turn into mean girls in adulthood. Covert bullies. All of them.
I have no compassion for someone who does something like this either—male or female. The lack of genuine remorse is telling.
Sad Statesays
She got exactly what she wanted with absolutely zero consequences. Can you say “positive reinforcement”?
My guess is the next story involving these two will be “Woman Kills Boyfriend Because He Looked At Another Woman”. In that story, she will accuse Mr. Gomez of a lifetime of abuse and she couldn’t take it any more. She will be taken at her word and no one will ask her why she illegally got him off the plane if he was abusing her and “her” children.
Dear Mr. Gomez, I leave you with the wise words of Trent Reznor, “Bow down before the one you serve, you’re going to get what you deserve”.
Look for them on “Oprah.” Dr. Phil can chastise him for being such an insensitive jerk and she’ll be made a heroine for the lengths she’ll go to for love.
Oprah is no longer going to do just a show. More like an entire cable network dedicated to the degradation of men.
No way will the guy get another job on a cruise ship after this. No cruise line is going to hire someone whose spouse will call in a bomb threat anytime she wants him to come home. Here’s another thing for the red-flag list (and one I can personally attest to): Don’t marry a girl that forces you to choose between her and your career.
Next she’ll be complaining that he doesn’t make any money.
The general theme in many fo these stories we read here, is not so much that there are crazy, abusive women out there or that women have a monopoly on this type of crazy, abusive behavior. Clearly, there are men out there who are just as f-d up.
The thing that jumps out from these stories is the discrepancy between how the same behavior is viewed or judged or accepted depending on the gender.
I think many in our society are simply conditioned that women acting like nuts or matierialistic jerks or abusive a-holes is to be expected and accepted.
My own daughters seem to beleive a lot of this crap, not only due to their mom’s behavior, but all the crap they see on TV and in movies. And, these kids are , reasonably, bright.
I think our daughters are taught that a different set of rules applie to them.
Another female family member was once incensed that the man she was dating and who she admitted not loving or being attracted to ,would not , immediately, sell his condo and plop down the downpayment for a house she wanted, with no financial contribution of her own. She was apoplectic when someone else bought the house before he could move on it.
She also is very angry that this same guy, after multiple breakups by her, has the gall not to marry her, now, so she can get medical insurance coverage through him.
The weird thing about this is that , if you pointed out how absurdly she is acting, she would not see it.
Closure at lastsays
You’re spot-on ron7127. An ‘age of entitlement’ based on gender alone and that gender ‘represented’ on air by the loudest, most drama-queen samples – who tout it as ‘acceptable behavior.’ The most vociferous defenders of this bratty behavior are a bunch of narcissists – a.k.a radical feminists who man-bash AND a bunch of borderlines – a.k.a the omnipresent samples in the media and in the dating world. Both camps hate men and view them as utilitarian objects,(the only difference between them that the borderlines do the initial crazy-sex-seduction routine before going frigid) and guess what? both camps hate the quiet, kind-hearted, introspective, self-reliant women too, who are a minority – and never spoken of by the media.
Plus male scriptwriters (obviously recovering from relations with narcs and boderlines) ‘dedicate’ their stories to both these camps – probably writing as a form of self-therapy – as in the film ‘500 days of summer’ amongst countless other movies. And this awful, bratty, abusive behaviour is passed on as a ‘norm’ and women displaying these characteristics are not called out on their bad, and yes evil, behaviour.
The above story is such a blatant sample of how this sick behaviour is passed off as ’emotional’, ‘cute’ etc. A French-Canadian friend of mine from Quebec – when he was an 11 year old boy – way back before 9-11 had joked at a Florida airport that there might be a bomb in his bag. His entire family and he, at 11, was quarantined and questioned for hours and given stern warnings, as part of security procedure. What I realize from this Chilean woman’s story is that an 11 year old boy faces more discipline from a system, while this clearly unhinged (and extremely irritating woman – sorry her photo is just SO irritating – that typical look on her face) is set free and the docile husband even ‘supports’ her. Darn – give me a break! How about some support for the men who are abused by these women and the kind girls these women bullied through their lives?!
“The weird thing about this is that , if you pointed out how absurdly she is acting, she would not see it.” -ron7127
There in lies the problem. They don’t see it. That’s what makes them so maddening to deal with.
BPD/NPDers love holding the mirror up to others, but will be the last ones to ever hold a mirror up to themselves.
Speaking in regards to the eastern concept of mind, body and spirit, I have to say that a lot of these situations arise because they have no sense of ‘spirit.’ There is nothing that connects them to something outside themselves. I am not suggesting that people afflicted with BPD/NPD symptoms should join a cult, or dogmatic religious organization, but come on…read a book (People Magazine is not considered a book), meditate, go for a walk or even just sit alone and reflect on your passing thoughts, something, but they do not have the ability, or inclination, to do this. There is no introspection, therefore no ability to have compassion, reason, understanding, or empathy.
Good work on seeing this pattern with your female family member. I guarantee you, the ones she keeps close will pacify, enable and accept her selfish inclinations, or they will pretend to not even notice. Eventually, you may have the courage to tell her some day….but be prepared for the fallout from other members of your family.
“The thing that jumps out from these stories is the discrepancy between how the same behavior is viewed or judged or accepted depending on the gender.”
This is why I post these kinds of news items. In my very insignificant way, I’m trying to shine a spotlight on these discrepancies and different set of rules because I don’t believe most people even notice them. So many of us sleepwalk our way through life and let a lot of horrible things go down that maybe we could have prevented if we’d been paying closer attention. I want people to wake up. I realize I’m preaching to the choir here, but…
Ah, “500 Days of Summer”. When I saw it, I , immediately, thought “borderline”. And , yet, I am certain, that before all this reading about personality disorders, I would not have given that woman’s behavior a second thought. She took delight in torturing the guy, with the push/pull, affection withholding stuff. She was downright cruel and , incredibly insensitive. But, the person I saw it with saw it as simply cutesy, sort of normal courtship stuff.
That is what I mean. So much of this behavior, unless one really examines it, is just seen as nothing unusual. Maybe mildly eccentric or pathetic, but not dangerous and abusive or cruel.
Some movies do portray a-hole guys as roguish, playboy types, as well. And folks accept their behaviors as a cute rascal etc. So, perhaps in that realm, there is no double standard.
“Some movies do portray a-hole guys as roguish, playboy types, as well. And folks accept their behaviors as a cute rascal etc. So, perhaps in that realm, there is no double standard.”
I don’t know. I don’t see too many films/sitcoms that portray the player/rogue type in a positive light anymore. They’re usually portrayed as jerks deserving of a comeuppance. I think that’s the difference. Female characters w/these traits are portrayed as empowered heroines; male characters are not. The only male character who seems to be able to get away with these kinds of behaviors nowadays is Charlie Sheen.
I think these archetypes are still out there, Tara. Typically, we see these guys having multiple romantic relationships, behind the backs of women and the behavior is , often, glamorized and winked at. In fact , this type of behavior is often held up as something to be aspired to.
Maybe so, but I don’t think it’s the norm anymore. It’s aspired to in the Game community, but other than old school buddy comedy films like “Old School,” “Hangover” and “Very Bad Things,” that type of behavior isn’t really glamorized anymore. Even in these aforementioned films, the characters experience negative consequences for their behaviors and change their ways by the films’ conclusions.
Isn’t the new James Bond character monogamous now? (Can’t remember).
Dr T
Yes, but the abusive women portayed often get their comeuppance as well.
I think where this double satndard re the treatemtn of men and women is best seen is in the criminal justice system, along with the domestic violence industry.
It would be interesting to compare the sentences handed out to women vs men for similar crimes.
Now, to be fair to the crazed woman who disrupted the flight you mention, I think she will be treated harshly by the ctiminal justice system. She merely bailed out, and that is not unusual for this type of charge. She may well face significant jail time.
But,take a look at how, for example, female sexual predators are treated vs males, For quite a long time, although it is changing, adult women who preyed on male children were given probation or counseling vs hard time. You take a 35 year old male teacher that has sex with one of his female , child students, and he is going away for a long, long time.
That would make a very interesting study, however, I’m pretty sure we can all hypothesize which sex gets lighter sentences for identical crimes.
I once had a converation about female sexual predators with a female judge who I had tried some cases before. She told me that her research showed that adult female on juvenile male predation was the most underreported, big secret type of crime out there. This was 25 years or so ago and she was ahead of her time in realizing this.
I think you are right, Tara, that the sentencing disparity is so evident that one , really need not research it to come to a conclusion. Just look at the death penalty and you will see a much higher % of male murderers are put to death compared to female murderers.
Just when you think you have heard it all……lol
This is probably just the tip of the crazy iceberg.
What a pig. My compassion has run out for these types of women. Mean girls on the playground turn into mean girls in adulthood. Covert bullies. All of them.
I have no compassion for someone who does something like this either—male or female. The lack of genuine remorse is telling.
She got exactly what she wanted with absolutely zero consequences. Can you say “positive reinforcement”?
My guess is the next story involving these two will be “Woman Kills Boyfriend Because He Looked At Another Woman”. In that story, she will accuse Mr. Gomez of a lifetime of abuse and she couldn’t take it any more. She will be taken at her word and no one will ask her why she illegally got him off the plane if he was abusing her and “her” children.
Dear Mr. Gomez, I leave you with the wise words of Trent Reznor, “Bow down before the one you serve, you’re going to get what you deserve”.
Look for them on “Oprah.” Dr. Phil can chastise him for being such an insensitive jerk and she’ll be made a heroine for the lengths she’ll go to for love.
Oprah is no longer going to do just a show. More like an entire cable network dedicated to the degradation of men.
Ask and ye shall receive!
Just what the world needs. Another TLC.
No way will the guy get another job on a cruise ship after this. No cruise line is going to hire someone whose spouse will call in a bomb threat anytime she wants him to come home. Here’s another thing for the red-flag list (and one I can personally attest to): Don’t marry a girl that forces you to choose between her and your career.
Next she’ll be complaining that he doesn’t make any money.
The general theme in many fo these stories we read here, is not so much that there are crazy, abusive women out there or that women have a monopoly on this type of crazy, abusive behavior. Clearly, there are men out there who are just as f-d up.
The thing that jumps out from these stories is the discrepancy between how the same behavior is viewed or judged or accepted depending on the gender.
I think many in our society are simply conditioned that women acting like nuts or matierialistic jerks or abusive a-holes is to be expected and accepted.
My own daughters seem to beleive a lot of this crap, not only due to their mom’s behavior, but all the crap they see on TV and in movies. And, these kids are , reasonably, bright.
I think our daughters are taught that a different set of rules applie to them.
Another female family member was once incensed that the man she was dating and who she admitted not loving or being attracted to ,would not , immediately, sell his condo and plop down the downpayment for a house she wanted, with no financial contribution of her own. She was apoplectic when someone else bought the house before he could move on it.
She also is very angry that this same guy, after multiple breakups by her, has the gall not to marry her, now, so she can get medical insurance coverage through him.
The weird thing about this is that , if you pointed out how absurdly she is acting, she would not see it.
You’re spot-on ron7127. An ‘age of entitlement’ based on gender alone and that gender ‘represented’ on air by the loudest, most drama-queen samples – who tout it as ‘acceptable behavior.’ The most vociferous defenders of this bratty behavior are a bunch of narcissists – a.k.a radical feminists who man-bash AND a bunch of borderlines – a.k.a the omnipresent samples in the media and in the dating world. Both camps hate men and view them as utilitarian objects,(the only difference between them that the borderlines do the initial crazy-sex-seduction routine before going frigid) and guess what? both camps hate the quiet, kind-hearted, introspective, self-reliant women too, who are a minority – and never spoken of by the media.
Plus male scriptwriters (obviously recovering from relations with narcs and boderlines) ‘dedicate’ their stories to both these camps – probably writing as a form of self-therapy – as in the film ‘500 days of summer’ amongst countless other movies. And this awful, bratty, abusive behaviour is passed on as a ‘norm’ and women displaying these characteristics are not called out on their bad, and yes evil, behaviour.
The above story is such a blatant sample of how this sick behaviour is passed off as ’emotional’, ‘cute’ etc. A French-Canadian friend of mine from Quebec – when he was an 11 year old boy – way back before 9-11 had joked at a Florida airport that there might be a bomb in his bag. His entire family and he, at 11, was quarantined and questioned for hours and given stern warnings, as part of security procedure. What I realize from this Chilean woman’s story is that an 11 year old boy faces more discipline from a system, while this clearly unhinged (and extremely irritating woman – sorry her photo is just SO irritating – that typical look on her face) is set free and the docile husband even ‘supports’ her. Darn – give me a break! How about some support for the men who are abused by these women and the kind girls these women bullied through their lives?!
“The weird thing about this is that , if you pointed out how absurdly she is acting, she would not see it.” -ron7127
There in lies the problem. They don’t see it. That’s what makes them so maddening to deal with.
BPD/NPDers love holding the mirror up to others, but will be the last ones to ever hold a mirror up to themselves.
Speaking in regards to the eastern concept of mind, body and spirit, I have to say that a lot of these situations arise because they have no sense of ‘spirit.’ There is nothing that connects them to something outside themselves. I am not suggesting that people afflicted with BPD/NPD symptoms should join a cult, or dogmatic religious organization, but come on…read a book (People Magazine is not considered a book), meditate, go for a walk or even just sit alone and reflect on your passing thoughts, something, but they do not have the ability, or inclination, to do this. There is no introspection, therefore no ability to have compassion, reason, understanding, or empathy.
Good work on seeing this pattern with your female family member. I guarantee you, the ones she keeps close will pacify, enable and accept her selfish inclinations, or they will pretend to not even notice. Eventually, you may have the courage to tell her some day….but be prepared for the fallout from other members of your family.
“The thing that jumps out from these stories is the discrepancy between how the same behavior is viewed or judged or accepted depending on the gender.”
This is why I post these kinds of news items. In my very insignificant way, I’m trying to shine a spotlight on these discrepancies and different set of rules because I don’t believe most people even notice them. So many of us sleepwalk our way through life and let a lot of horrible things go down that maybe we could have prevented if we’d been paying closer attention. I want people to wake up. I realize I’m preaching to the choir here, but…
Ah, “500 Days of Summer”. When I saw it, I , immediately, thought “borderline”. And , yet, I am certain, that before all this reading about personality disorders, I would not have given that woman’s behavior a second thought. She took delight in torturing the guy, with the push/pull, affection withholding stuff. She was downright cruel and , incredibly insensitive. But, the person I saw it with saw it as simply cutesy, sort of normal courtship stuff.
That is what I mean. So much of this behavior, unless one really examines it, is just seen as nothing unusual. Maybe mildly eccentric or pathetic, but not dangerous and abusive or cruel.
Some movies do portray a-hole guys as roguish, playboy types, as well. And folks accept their behaviors as a cute rascal etc. So, perhaps in that realm, there is no double standard.
“Some movies do portray a-hole guys as roguish, playboy types, as well. And folks accept their behaviors as a cute rascal etc. So, perhaps in that realm, there is no double standard.”
I don’t know. I don’t see too many films/sitcoms that portray the player/rogue type in a positive light anymore. They’re usually portrayed as jerks deserving of a comeuppance. I think that’s the difference. Female characters w/these traits are portrayed as empowered heroines; male characters are not. The only male character who seems to be able to get away with these kinds of behaviors nowadays is Charlie Sheen.
I think these archetypes are still out there, Tara. Typically, we see these guys having multiple romantic relationships, behind the backs of women and the behavior is , often, glamorized and winked at. In fact , this type of behavior is often held up as something to be aspired to.
Maybe so, but I don’t think it’s the norm anymore. It’s aspired to in the Game community, but other than old school buddy comedy films like “Old School,” “Hangover” and “Very Bad Things,” that type of behavior isn’t really glamorized anymore. Even in these aforementioned films, the characters experience negative consequences for their behaviors and change their ways by the films’ conclusions.
Isn’t the new James Bond character monogamous now? (Can’t remember).
Dr T
Yes, but the abusive women portayed often get their comeuppance as well.
I think where this double satndard re the treatemtn of men and women is best seen is in the criminal justice system, along with the domestic violence industry.
It would be interesting to compare the sentences handed out to women vs men for similar crimes.
Now, to be fair to the crazed woman who disrupted the flight you mention, I think she will be treated harshly by the ctiminal justice system. She merely bailed out, and that is not unusual for this type of charge. She may well face significant jail time.
But,take a look at how, for example, female sexual predators are treated vs males, For quite a long time, although it is changing, adult women who preyed on male children were given probation or counseling vs hard time. You take a 35 year old male teacher that has sex with one of his female , child students, and he is going away for a long, long time.
That would make a very interesting study, however, I’m pretty sure we can all hypothesize which sex gets lighter sentences for identical crimes.
I once had a converation about female sexual predators with a female judge who I had tried some cases before. She told me that her research showed that adult female on juvenile male predation was the most underreported, big secret type of crime out there. This was 25 years or so ago and she was ahead of her time in realizing this.
I think you are right, Tara, that the sentencing disparity is so evident that one , really need not research it to come to a conclusion. Just look at the death penalty and you will see a much higher % of male murderers are put to death compared to female murderers.