Happy Independence (not Codependence) Day! If you’re looking for a project, may I suggest a new deck? Trying to make someone dependent upon you is not a healthy relationship foundation. Furthermore, the rescuing, saving, fixing, people-pleasing, sacrifices and enabling are a one-way street. If you think it’ll eventually be your turn, you are mistaken. Adult […]
That’s a Lie! Manipulated Into Marriage [Meme]
LIE: “I only act this way because you haven’t proposed yet!” Or any variation of, “I act like a lunatic because you make me!” FACT: What the narcissist or other abusive personality is actually saying is they think it’s okay to behave outrageously and abusively if they’re not getting what they want, my precious. BUT […]
Red Flag: Number of Instagram Selfies vs. IQ Points [Meme]
Chronic selfie posting, meal posting, vacation posting, etc., is nothing more than attention-seeking behavior. If you’re in love with or wanting to be in a relationship with someone who gets off on gathering Likes, followers, hearts or whatever the heck it is one gathers on Instagram, good luck to you. You’re going to need it. […]