Entitlement and narcissism are on the rise in our culture. Every now and again, you get to witness what happens when entitlement and a lack of smarts collide.
And that’s what happened at the Alamo Drafthouse last summer when an angry customer left an indignant, expletive riddled and hilarious voicemail to complain about being kicked out of one of their theaters for texting on her phone during a movie. Please note, I don’t think the woman who left the voicemail intended it to be hilarious, but don’t forget about what I said earlier about the entitlement and lack of smarts combo.
I don’t live anywhere near an Alamo Drafthouse cinema, but if I did, I’d happily give them my patronage. I think they handled this exactly right.
If you are at work, please turn down the volume or plug in your headset as the woman caller uses a good deal of profanity:
[youtube 1L3eeC2lJZs]
Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone!
Oh, and P.S., God bless the MAGNITED States of America!
Oh, wow. She’s Klassy. I’ll bet she gets kicked out of many a fine establishment before she reaches 21.
Wonder what college Gender Studies program she’ll be attending this fall?
What she apparently lacks in intelligence she more than compensates for in belligerence and an outsized sense of entitlement. I’m sure she will wreak all kinds of havoc in some poor schlub’s life sooner or later.
Yes, something makes me think she has left similar messages on a bf’s phone or will someday, coming to a voicemail near you!
It’s dark in movie theaters. Who knew?
Good one.
She better be really good looking to be that obnoxious.
Just a sign of the times (End Times? Ye Gods maybe Armageddon-Mayan Calendar carnage is just around the corner!?!?). This also belongs in another category ‘Sad’ b/c while its humorous, its also quite sad. Really. Another Princess-Golden Uterine Queen is born.
Calgon Take Me Away…
Why is it people like her always cadence and tone every sentence as if it’s a question even if they aren’t?
It’s an attempt at shaming language. She is essentially looking for the other party to implicitly agree with what she is saying, right or wrong. If they do, she has managed to get the victim to cooperate in their own emotional defeat. Otherwise, she is powerless.
Damn good observation Iron John. Yes its part of the invalidation techniques so often used by narcissistic and borderline sociopaths.
Thank you.
good stuff man!
that opens up a lot more theories.
i just never had the foundation to build it on until now.
it always put a red flag with me when i hear girls talk in this manner. even if it’s non malicious in intent. like they do it with ordinary sentences as well.
it creeps me out.
i have a better idea why now.
Thanks man. I’m always glad to help. Also, be on the lookout over at AAM. I’ll be sending a message your way soon.
Haha… I live in Austin TX and visit the Alamo Drafthouse a few times a month. At any rated R movie they play this to warn people to not text or talk. Usually everyone in the theater laughs their a** off when they hear this and yells in support of what the Drafthouse did.
What makes it even funnier is the fact that before every movie on the big screen they put a message up with very annoying sounds to get your attention that says something to the effect, ” From this point forward this theater is a QUITE ZONE! This means texting, tweeting, on your phone. If you have a problem raise a flag (they have little white pieces of paper to do this) at your seat and a manager will take care of the problem. Get warned twice and we’ll ask you to leave.”
They also usually have a little skit or a clip from other movies with people who are watching a movie and are being annoying and how monsters take them out or they get shot or something along those lines. After the clip they have a comment on the screen that says something along the lines of, “DON’T TALK OR WE’LL TAKE YOUR A** OUT! Have a loud neighbor next to you? Raise a flag and management will take care of it. And texting and tweeting totally count as being loud.”
It’s an awesome theater and I ONLY go there.
Wow! So what is it with NPD’s/BPD’s and this overinflated sense of entitlement? My ex insisted on using a fake handicap placard to get better parking places and hit the roof when she would be called out for it. She was a total hater, constantly belittling her sister, family and some friends and was mysteriously sick all of the time.
So…she texts at every other theater…why are you even going out to the movies if you are going to spend the entire time texting? IDJIT!
Wow, that is one DUMB tomboy!!! ROFLMAOF!
Wow…..sounds like my ex gf…..35 going on 14. When we broke up, she started the texting of hate your guts then love you messages. one minute I am the biggest a*&^%)$ in the world, then she wants to get back together. Eight months later…. dont ask!
The Alamo Drafthouse is Awesome! Dinner, drinks AND a movie, no kids after 6 or 8. They’ve got mostly ‘normal’ movies at most locations, but frequently, they’ll have a campy old movie and people do the lines and act the scenes in front of the screen, or they’ll have a sing-along, or some something totally bizarre with a lots of audience participation. The downtown one seems like it’s all crazy, all the time.
I’m kinda wondering if she’s ever been back in there and seen her contribution to the character of the place.
This reminds me of my crazy ex wife who if waiting on a table in a restaurant would take one that was for someone else as long as the head count of the party they were calling matched ours.
Um, OK. Well she certainly shouldn’t swear because she’s just no good at it. I guess I don’t find it all that funny. Did she get a warning? It’s their house and their rules, but honestly if they kick her out, if they don’t want to do business with her, they should refund her money. That’s just good customer service, regardless of how the customer behaves.