It is day 13 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Today’s In Her Own Words is an all too common tale of a loving family torn apart by a manipulative, narcissistic, abusive woman. LostMyBro shares the first part of her story about how her sister-in-law estranged her brother from their family. Who ever thought a dress […]
In His Own Words: From One Abusive Woman to the Next
It’s day 12 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Edward shares his relationship history with two incredibly abusive women. The last of which left him when he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Part 1 I met my then girlfriend sometime in the 80s, she was studying English here. We had a brief summer fling and then […]
In His Own Words: Former Male Feminist Abused by his Borderline Personality Disordered Wife
It’s day 11 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In today’s In His Own Words, David tells how is childhood programming and his mother’s behavior groomed him into relationships with abusive women and feminism. First, I want to say that I was under the illusion for a long time that I was a strong, very independent […]